Raet-Tawy: The Female Solar Deity in Ancient Egypt
Raet-Tawy, the ancient Egyptian solar deity, is the female aspect of Ra, the sun god. She symbolizes power and fertility.
Raet-Tawy, the ancient Egyptian solar deity, is the female aspect of Ra, the sun god. She symbolizes power and fertility.
Learn about Shed, the ancient Egyptian deity known as the saviour who protected people from dangers like wild animals.
Sia is the ancient Egyptian god of perception and wisdom, symbolizing divine knowledge and authoritative speech.
Kek, the ancient Egyptian god of darkness and chaos, is a deity with both male and female qualities, symbolizing primordial darkness.
Ba-Pef, the Egyptian god of terror and dread in mythology, is a minor underworld deity that symbolizes the soul’s darker aspects.
Learn about Mandulis, the ancient Nubian and Egyptian sun god, his significance in mythology, and depictions in ancient art.
Neper, the ancient Egyptian deity of grain, and his female counterpart Nepit, goddess of grain, played vital roles in agriculture.
Khenti-kheti, a prominent deity in Egyptian mythology as a crocodile-god turned falcon-god, symbolizes power and transformation.
Menhit, the ancient Egyptian goddess of warfare, is commonly represented as a lioness. Her warrior status is well-known.
Renenutet, the ancient Egyptian goddess of nourishment and fertility, was worshipped for her role in the harvest and abundance.