Khenti-Amentiu: Ancient Egyptian Jackal Deity
Khenti-Amentiu, the jackal-headed deity guarding the city of the dead in Upper Egypt, is a key figure in ancient Egyptian mythology.
Khenti-Amentiu, the jackal-headed deity guarding the city of the dead in Upper Egypt, is a key figure in ancient Egyptian mythology.
Learn about Hemsut, the Egyptian goddess of fate and protection, and her association with the concept of the ka.
Ancient Egyptian deity Ash was a god of oases and vineyards, known for his protective nature and benign influence.
Andjety, an ancient Egyptian deity of the ninth nome, was worshipped in Andjet, also known as Busiris to the Greeks.
Amentet, the Egyptian goddess of the dead and the west, is a symbol of the necropolises, reflecting ancient beliefs.
Am-heh, the enigmatic god of ancient Egypt, known as the devourer of millions and a terrifying figure in Egyptian mythology.
Learn about Sopdet, the ancient Egyptian goddess of Sirius and New Year, as she is a central figure in Egyptian mythology.
Aken, the ancient Egyptian deity guiding souls to the underworld, also known as the ferryman in Egyptian mythology.
Kebechet, the ancient Egyptian goddess of freshness and purification, daughter of Anubis, is a deity linked to embalming liquid and cooling water.
Shezmu, the ancient Egyptian deity of execution and perfume, with a lion-headed appearance and a knife-wielding nature.