Menhit: Egyptian Lioness Goddess Of Warfare
Menhit, the ancient Egyptian goddess of warfare, is commonly represented as a lioness. Her warrior status is well-known.
Menhit, the ancient Egyptian goddess of warfare, is commonly represented as a lioness. Her warrior status is well-known.
Andjety, an ancient Egyptian deity of the ninth nome, was worshipped in Andjet, also known as Busiris to the Greeks.
Learn about Sopdet, the ancient Egyptian goddess of Sirius and New Year, as she is a central figure in Egyptian mythology.
Aken, the ancient Egyptian deity guiding souls to the underworld, also known as the ferryman in Egyptian mythology.
Kebechet, the ancient Egyptian goddess of freshness and purification, daughter of Anubis, is a deity linked to embalming liquid and cooling water.
Shezmu, the ancient Egyptian deity of execution and perfume, with a lion-headed appearance and a knife-wielding nature.
Iah, the ancient Egyptian lunar deity, symbolizes the moon in Egyptian religion.
Dive into the ancient Egyptian and Nubian god Dedun’s history and significance for a wealth of insightful information.
The mysterious Egyptian goddess Uatchit, often linked to flies, was worshipped for protection and favor in ancient Egypt.
Heh, the ancient Egyptian god of infinity and eternity, part of the Ogdoad and a symbol of eternal time and infinity.