Maahes: Ancient Egyptian Lion-Head God Of War
Maahes, the ancient Egyptian lion-headed god of war and protection, known for his fierceness and divine guardianship.
Maahes, the ancient Egyptian lion-headed god of war and protection, known for his fierceness and divine guardianship.
Ancient Egyptian goddess Hesat, a cow deity providing milk for humanity and closely linked to Hathor and fertility.
Learn about Qetesh, the ancient Egyptian goddess of love and beauty worshipped for her sacred ecstasy and fertility.
Heryshaf, the ram-headed ancient Egyptian deity of fertility and power, known for his connection to the sun-god and creation.
Aker, the ancient Egyptian deity and guardian of the horizon, protected the eastern and western borders of the underworld.
Seker, an ancient Egyptian god of the afterlife and necropolis, is a falcon deity with a crucial place in Egyptian mythology.
Nekhbet, vulture goddess and protector of Upper Egypt, a key deity in Egyptian mythology and patron of pharaohs.
Reshep, the warlike and protective god worshipped in Egypt and Syria, linked to both war and healing, with associations to animals and illness.
Heket, the Egyptian goddess of fertility, rebirth and life, symbolized by a frog, renowned for her role in ancient Egyptian mythology and religion.
Imhotep, an ancient Egyptian architect, physician, and statesman, deified as the god of medicine and wisdom throughout history.